If you're a fan of bands like the Screamers and Units.
Check this out.
What's with the logo?
It's an SS skull wearing a pink new wave glasses, obviously. I think it says something about the
duality of man..no, wait that's bullshit, it just looks great and it pisses uptight people off.
We're "taking it back" from Himmler, yo.
How and when did Flesh Wave start?
I started doing a zine under that name in 2005 or so, which mostly focused on my art and some
local band interviews. Included with the first issue was a cassette compilation that featured mostly
hardcore punk acts from Detroit. I didn't do much with it for a while until 2009 I started playing in
bands like TV Suicides, Terminal Girls.
I would just use the name to put out demos and such.
Present day, it's mostly a cassette label for my own projects and those of friends/local dudes from
Detroit, and just a catch all name banner for my artwork.
I like constant change/evolution, so I couldn't tell you if it'll be the same thing a year from now or not..who knows.
Who all runs Flesh Wave?
Just myself right now.
Ian Swanson, whom I did a lot of music/art projects with used to be involved with it, but he's currently attending school in New York.
To name a few, what labels influenced you?
When I was younger, I always appreciated Plan 9, with the fan club stuff, self made buttons and t-shirts, and how it was obviously run by like one or two people.
Dischord is probably a big subconscious influence too, but I think I'm more influenced by bands than by labels.
I don't have any lofty aspirations of running a label.
I'm just putting out tunes on a cheap, outdated medium that I still dig.
What was the last record you listened to?
Swell Maps-A Trip to Marineville
What methods of promotion do you enjoy most?
Sometimes I get too drunk and give away pins and tapes instead of selling them.
It's win/lose, but mostly win in the end.
I'm not going to exactly make a living doing a diy tape label but I kinda do want to break even.
That's my method of promotion, ha!
The only promoting I say I do is getting contact with a couple small out of state radio shows and
getting our stuff played on there, sending out tapes for review and bringing stuff to local
record stores, like UHF, Lo and Behold, Found Sound.
How many bands are currently on Flesh Wave?
Active bands-Fake Surfers, Fuck Eyes, Eroders, CANE!
The other couple releases are older projects Ian and myself did, mostly in 2010-2011.
Who is your most recent addition?
They've been the most recent tape I've put out..a 6 songer.
They're a three piece rocky punk unit who are all architects by day..this makes the name Eroders so much cooler to me, not sure if they picked it with that in mind or what.
What likes/dislikes do you have about running Flesh Wave?
The entire process is a complete like/dislike! I do everything by hand, even cut out/fold the inserts because I don't trust the printer(I'm lookin at you Kinkos).
So it's fun to have the finished project, but the painstakingly hard headed way I do things makes it a challenge..but I like a challenge.
Actually, dubbing the tapes is the worst part because I have to play an album I really dig over and over, and sometimes I get burnt out on hearing it too much.
What can you tell me about the future of Flesh Wave?
Absolutely nothing!
We live in a very unpredictable age..in these post-9/11, pre-apocalyptic times, a variety of dread catastrophes may occur..I may be mauled by a sasquatch or spontaneously combust the way this reality is headed.
I want to finish putting out the tapes I promised(the one I'm really looking forward to I can't mention yet! local guy..you know who..), and start getting some better Fuck Eyes recordings done, since the "Complicator" tape I recently put out is starting to age fast, plus I have some new dudes(Josh from Eroders, and Chris from the Q) playing with me.
Do you only want to release tapes or will you go into 7inches/LP's and cd's?
I really only have the budget right now to do cassettes, but I do want to do a couple Fuck Eyes 7'' singles soon.
Oh and the Goddamn LP is going to be on vinyl and cassette.
What I REALLY want to get into is putting out fortune cookies.
It's the format of the future.
Any new releases coming up?
Ian Swanson's 10-song synth creep weirdo project Flat Black Animal will be out on tape soon.
Real strange, dirty stuff. You should play it on a boombox while passing out candy on Halloween. It's great.
Second is Goddamn..They were an amazing hardcore punk band from the Detroit area that got started in 2005 or so.
I helped them get their demo around, then we planned on doing a 7'' but the recording sessions didnt pan out that well.
Members went off to school, got married, etc, then last year they had a killer reunion show, went back into the studio and we're going to put out an 12'' LP, as well as on cassette.
Still waiting on the band's tracks, but we'll make it happen soon..we waited this long!
Have you gone to any shows lately, any bands you've been digging?
I love all the Gold Tapes and X! Records bands..oh and Urinal Cake as well.
Haven't been to enough shows lately though.
K9 Sniffies are pretty great, and looking forward to Growwing Pains' new LP.
Useless Eaters and Acid Baby Jesus are two shows I'm not going to miss this month.
Oh and outside of Detroit bands, Nightmare Boyzzz came through last year and were way rad, plus they played outside and got shut down by the cops!
Probably favorite show I've been to in recent memory.
Do any bands on Flesh Wave plan on touring together in the future? or touring in general?
CANE! from Milano, Italy should be coming through for a US tour in 2013..theyre wacky and wild and Italian, so I had to put out their tape.
They're a synthy pop slime duo..male/female vocals, they cover the Reatard's "Blew My Mind" on their "Cum in your Heart" cassette.
The name "Cum in your Heart" still make me giggle. Can't wait for them to come on through.
Any bands on Flesh Wave have local shows coming up?
Yeah I'm sure, Fake Surfers and Eroders play around a good amount, Fuck Eyes just played the second annual Jay Reatard tribute show, but will mostly be trying to write and record soon.
Who do you want to work with in the future?
I really only want to put out small releases by local bands, or for friends that live out of state/country.
My friend Tia, an ex-Detroiter who lives in California now, has an astounding new band called Smelly Tongues..real arty scuzz..I'd be into doing something for them.