Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Big Thanks

Well as it might not seem much to you all who come here but I just want to say thanks for supporting this blog and coming here and reading this. Checking up on the shows going on, on all the stuff I reviewed and reading all the interviews I did with bands and etc.

I'd love to do more cool stuff like that in the future. The reason why i'm posting this kind of post now is because I've officially reached 1010 views on here. I started it in the summer of 2010 and hope to keep doing it for a long long time. For now, I'm mostly just posting flyers for shows.

If you're band has a flyer and would like to contribute it to my cause(and yours) send it to me!


I'd love to keep doing interviews, so hopefully I can get back on track with that.

As far as album reviews and EP reviews go, I want to start doing that again. If you have an album or EP you want me to review...once again. Message me in an EMAIL. and I'll be sure to check it out. (that's also pretty hard to get in touch w/ people about)

In the coming months, I'd like to interview:

-Heath from Fagtapes
& many more!

all in all I just want to say: