New releases
-Terrible Twos-Horror Vacui (2nd LP)
July 16th, 2013
buy @ Terrible Twos iTunes
or upcoming on
Urinal Cake Records
-Mexican Knives-Other Tramps (2nd EP)
August 2013
buy or listen@ Mexican Knives Bandcamp
-Sros Lords-Orc Knight Style (debut LP)
October 30th, 2013
Free listen @ Reverbnation
Buy @ Sros Lords Facebook
send them a message or write on their wall
-Bad party 7inch
November 14th,2013
buy @ Bad Party Facebook
-send him a message or write on his wall
First I'd like to take some time and thank all the bands for all their hard work over the summer and fall. I know everyone in Michigan has been putting some really good shows together. I wish I could have made it out to more of them but really haven't been able to find the time or physically been able to get there. It has sucked. I hope this post catches some people up on what they have been missing out on in Detroit. I plan on being very active with the blog now. Time to get busy!